Monday, December 12, 2016
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Today in rimu class we did coding I have some photos to show. I have never done coding before so it's really new to me by BFF Hannah.Nshe has done it before so Hannah helped me.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
to day in class with my group we did a slid of a animation the theme that we got tailed was Christmas so i did Santa going above the moon. we also had to do a recipe for a great Christmas so here is the slid and recipehere is the recipe
Christmas recipe
A pinch of family1 cup of happiness2 cups of love½ a cup of fun1 teaspoon of craziness Dash of laughterA dash of gratefulness ½ a cup of weirdness
First put your ½ cup of fun. Then put your 1 teaspoon of craziness,Add a pinch of family, 1 cup of happiness. put all of that in a big bowl. Get a smaller bowl and put 2 cups of love, ½ cup of fun, a dash of laughter, a dash of gratefulness ½ cup of weirdness then put the mixer in one big pan put it in the oven for 20 min then tack the cack out and eat the yummy cake mmmmmmmm yum.
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
9 times tables
9 times tables
I'm going to show you how to know your times tables on a slide that took me a long time to finish there is a we video in there to help you to hope you enjoy.
Friday, November 25, 2016
My amazing weekend
My amazing weekend
We are learning to edit our work. anything in purple has been improved.Monday, November 21, 2016
Today we did prototec I think I did pretty good not that good but I did my best that I could do my best friend hannah.N she got 60/60 I will put in a link to her blog so use can check her blog out. Check out Hannah.Ns blog
This is what I got.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
keyboard skills
keyboard skills
Today Rimu class did keyboard skills I had to restart but that's ok because the ones at the start are easy and fun to do I got some perfect I like keyboard skills because it helps you to get faster. When you keep on doing this you will get better and better every time you do keyboard skills. so here are some photos of what i have accomplished.😘
Today Rimu class did keyboard skills I had to restart but that's ok because the ones at the start are easy and fun to do I got some perfect I like keyboard skills because it helps you to get faster. When you keep on doing this you will get better and better every time you do keyboard skills. so here are some photos of what i have accomplished.😘
Monday, November 7, 2016
Keyboard skills
keyboard skills
Today Rimu class did keyboard skills I did it on the macs so i had to restart but that's ok because the ones at the start are easy and fun to do I got three perfect I like keyboard skills because its helps you to get faster and when you keep on doing this you will get better and better every time you do keyboard skills.
you can get to 100 but im not there yet
Thursday, November 3, 2016
today we did matific it a site where you can play math game's and they are easy really but the first time I did it I was not that good but now I am I have gotten better.Monday, October 31, 2016
keyboard skills
keyboard skills
I'm going to show you my voki it's about keyboard skills I really like keyboard skills.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Reflection about this year
Reflection about this year
This year we went on a school trip we went skiing some of us went snowboarding. Next year I'm leaving gilberthorpe school because I'm a year six and next year I'm going to be a year seven and I have to go to a high school I'm going to hornby high.School this year has been really fun and awesome but I'm going to miss my bestie Hannah N we did lots together but we will keep talking and stuff like that we will meet up somewhere so we can see each other and I have an amazing teacher that has been teaching us and I'm really going to miss her oh yeah her name is miss waho she has teach me all I know much more now when I first came here I did not know much but when I came here I got better and better because I was at another school called hornby primary school mum moved me here at gilberthorpe school because she thought it would be better for me
in term one we went to year 6 camp and also we opened up the pool and had swimming lessons term 2 we went to orana park we all so did are mihi mihi we had to learn how to do our mihi mihi because we were going to the marae in term 3 we had a pacifica night and we showed schools and we worked really hard on it. It took for ever to get done but we did it my goals next year is to have an amazing year and make a lot of new friends but know one will bet Hannah i love gilberthorpe school so much I'm going to miss this school.
Monday, October 10, 2016
typing club
typing club
Today the whole class are doing typing club its like school key hero but it when you have to type with 2 letters I really like typing club because it will help my typing and I will get faster.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Growing a mini plant
Growing a mini plant
Today in rimu class we got these plants and we are doing them today and they look really fun to do after this week we get to take them home I'm so happy because I don't have a plant.
I really love this plant I named it mini because its mint so yeah and mum like mint so that's why I got it I thought she would like it she likes to put mint in her drinks.
Monday, September 12, 2016
School key hero
School key hero
Today in Rimu we did school key hero I got a pretty good score but when miss waho said to stop I was picking another one to do so I will not be showing you that one sorry So this is what I have done so far in school key hero I have done a lot for me some people have done all of them but this is good for me when I started I was not really good at it but now I descent.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
today in rimu we did handwriting and we did balance we got it out of a story the story is called the alphabet of the human heart here is the the story that we did for handwriting.
B is for balance
balance is tension between opposites: rest and activity, conversation and silence, sociability and solitude, love for another and love for oneself.
Every moment your life is in the balance weigh your options.
School key hero
School key hero
We are learning to type quickly to see it that helps our learning in different curriculum areas.
For the people that have not been on my blog school key hero is when you type something and you have to get the right speed and then if you do it all the time you will get fast at typing and when I started I was not that fast at writing and now I am fast.
food for thought
Food for thought
I'm going to show you a food for thought slide and it has lots of information in it.
hope you enjoy
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
The Trip To The snow
The Trip To The Snow
Today I'm going to show you my trip to the snow story using screencastify here is the video for yous to watch hope you enjoy.
I like this story because this is the best story and the longest story that I have ever done my next step is to yous more exciting words in my story's.
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
pasifika performance
Pasifika Performance
I am going to show you a voki we are going to a performance Rimu class is doing a dance our dance teacher our dance teachers name is levi.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Language features
language features
I'm going to show you language features slide. it has puns and more i'm explaining what it is.
Monday, August 15, 2016
Caring for others
Caring for others
I'm going to show you a slide that will show you how to be caring.
I have learnt how to make my slide cool and fun to watch and my next step is to make more slides.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Today we did prototec and timed i did not to veary good but thats ok because i tryed and i got 15/60 thats not good but it was my farst time doing timed my lowist was 3 they where 1/10. I need to work on groupings with 10.
Friday, August 5, 2016
My mum is so awesome because she can do everything for me U are the best mum ever you will always be there for me My mum cooks for me so I can eat and she makes sure I'm not bored.
My mum help me whenever I'm hurt or sad she cares for me no matter what. always be there she is the best mum ever i love her so much i'm so happy that I live with her and she is my mum and my mum is incredible because she looks after me and my brother to I'm so proud of her for doing this for me and my brother. she brought all of my cool cloth some are from my cousins but they're cool to I love her so so so so much she is the beast.
hope you enjoy
my school holidays
My school holidays
In the holidays I got my hair cut short but to short hair I stayed at my auntie because she was the one who was doing my hair it was funny because she thought I was cutting it short short but no I would never cut my hair that short ever.
I went to the antarctic centre and maddison and our little cousin and mama witch is our grandma we all payed and went and seen these dogs and you got to pat them.
When the school holidays started me and maddison we went to go to the movies it's for my birthday so i got many and i went on a shopping spree and maddison got some smiggles we went to go see the BFG it was so good i loved it mum said the BFG had beautiful eyes me to but after the movie we got starbucks so good then we went to timezone it was awesome we won some stuff from there.
After we went to timezone we had KFC it was yummy then we went shopping i got a lot of stuff maddison got some smiggles.
Monday, August 1, 2016
Today in math we did Prototec I did stage 4 its easy but I did get some not right but that's ok and I'm going to show you my score my score out of 60/60 56/60 because I did do good.
Today in math we did Prototec I did stage 4 its easy but I did get some not right but that's ok and I'm going to show you my score my score out of 60/60 56/60 because I did do good.
my next step is to get them all right and get faster
Thursday, July 28, 2016
school key hero
School Key Hero
The whole senior hub is now using school key hero. Its really fun well I really like it. I Think it will help me type faster. We need to type faster so we can write a report or a story faster it really works but its hard because you have to get to the right speed. But I never get the right speed but that's ok because I'm still trying. People in my class have got the right speed yay for them. I'm going to show you my score.My next step will be to get the rite speed and get much faster.
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
This weeks value is friendliness friendliness means to help people and be there friend and if there feeling sad you make them feel better so i'm going to show you some ways to be friendly.
1. be kind to others
2. don't hurt others feelings
3. be honesty to them
4. friends will always have there back
5. friends always will help you when you need
here are some photos for yous to have a look at.
1. be kind to others
2. don't hurt others feelings
3. be honesty to them
4. friends will always have there back
5. friends always will help you when you need
here are some photos for yous to have a look at.
Monday, July 25, 2016
starting Prototec
starting prototec
Today we are doing Prototec we are only doing 2-3 its really easy you can yous it when ever you want Prototec is good for your learning and it improves your maths
today i scored 30/30 its a good score.
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
My before and after blog comment
My before and after blog comments
In literacy we have been learning how to do good blog comments.
This is not a good comment because I have not got a greeting or a fall stop at the end and it does not have a capital.
Now this is better but I still have no greeting so next time I will have a greeting in my comment.
Monday, June 20, 2016
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
In reading this week we have been reading about kutai. kutai is mussels kutai can get to 30 centimeters long
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
my mihi mihi
My mihi mihi
Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa.Ko aoraki te moungaKo waimakariri te awaKo ara tu whakata toku kura.
No otautahi ahauKo rob toku matuaKo lisa toku whaea Ko bellam toku ingoa whanako summer toku ingoa
no reira, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa
REACH charity 
I'm going to tell you what REACH stands for
And that's what it stands for
Its for child cancer people shaved their heads for child cancer my teacher shaved the side of her head.
Friday, May 27, 2016
my best friends
About my best friend’s
My best friends names are Alyscia and Sita. Sita is 10 years old and Alyscia is almost 11 i'm almost 11 to. Alyscia has blond hair and it's long and Sita has long long hair and it's blond to but with a little bit of pink in it and I have blond long hair we like to play netball and on the playground. Alyscia has hazel eyes and Sita has hazel to but I have blue.
Monday, May 23, 2016
welcome to my blog
my first post yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm going to tell you a little bit about me my name is summer and i'm a year 6 at school. I like animals and my school is Gilberthorpe school I love my school because I have all of my friends here and my awesome teachers and the whole school. my school is the best thing that has happened to me I love it so much. and I have 2 best friends.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
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