My school holidays
In the holidays I got my hair cut short but to short hair I stayed at my auntie because she was the one who was doing my hair it was funny because she thought I was cutting it short short but no I would never cut my hair that short ever.
I went to the antarctic centre and maddison and our little cousin and mama witch is our grandma we all payed and went and seen these dogs and you got to pat them.
When the school holidays started me and maddison we went to go to the movies it's for my birthday so i got many and i went on a shopping spree and maddison got some smiggles we went to go see the BFG it was so good i loved it mum said the BFG had beautiful eyes me to but after the movie we got starbucks so good then we went to timezone it was awesome we won some stuff from there.
After we went to timezone we had KFC it was yummy then we went shopping i got a lot of stuff maddison got some smiggles.
it looks like you had fun in the hiladay