In DTE we have been making a project its based on hell. Basically we had to do some research on what we wanted to do, and we chose to do hell. At first Kaycee and I started to make a Safari maze but Kaycee and keira (Sahanas partner) ended up going to project k so it made things a little hard Sahana and I decided to join groups and work together. I don't really know what the steps were because I joined a little late. Sahana and I had to start drawing the pattern out on a big piece of paper. This is what our hell looks like. i feel my group took a long time to get started but over all the group worked well together.

This is our plan
Starting with the 9 levels just like Dante’s Inferno, each level the sphero will pause and
speak about what that level is called and what people have done to get there. Levels are 1-9, 1
being the highest level, for the people that didn’t do things that bad up to 9, where the worst people
are places. Each level gets a certain amount of torture for a certain amount of time everyday
(that’s just what hell should be like in my eyes). Once the sphero makes it down each level,
there will be an obstacle course race type of thing and people in the class can race each other.
Level 1 - Limbo: This is for people who never knew Christ to exist.
Level 2 - Lust: Self-explanatory, for people who had strong sexual desire.
Level 3 - Gluttony: For those who overindulge.
Level 4 - Greed: Again, Self-explanatory.
Level 5 - Anger: Again again, self-explanatory.
Level 6 - Heresy: Rejection of religious and/or political ‘norms’.
Level 7 - Violence: This is the first circle to be further segmented into sub-circles or rings.
There are three of them—the Outer, Middle, and Inner rings—housing different types of violent
criminals. The first are those who were violent against people and property, such as Attila the Hun.
Centaurs guard this Outer Ring and shoot its inhabitants with arrows. The Middle Ring consists of
those who commit violence against themselves (suicide). These sinners are perpetually eaten by
Harpies. The Inner Ring is made up of the blasphemers, or those who are violent against God and
nature. One of these sinners is Brunetto Latini, a sodomite, who was Dante’s own mentor.
(Dante speaks kindly to him.)
Level 8 - Fraud: This circle is distinguished from its predecessors by being made up of those who
consciously and willingly commit fraud. Within the eighth circle is another called the Malebolge
(“Evil Pockets”), which houses 10 separate bolgias (“ditches”). In these exist types of those who
commit fraud: panderers/seducers; flatterers; simoniacs (those who sell ecclesiastical preferment);
sorcerers/astrologers/false prophets; barrators (corrupt politicians); hypocrites; thieves; false
counselors/advisers; schismatics (those who separate religions to form new ones); and
alchemists/counterfeiters, perjurers, impersonators, etc. Each bolgia is guarded by different demons,
and the inhabitants suffer different punishments, such as the simoniacs, who stand head-first in
bowls and endure flames upon their feet.
Level 9 - Treachery: The deepest circle of Hell, where Satan resides. As with the last two circles,
this one is further divided into four rounds. The first is Caina, named after the biblical Cain,
who murdered his brother. This round is for traitors to family. The second, Antenora—from Antenor
of Troy, who betrayed the Greeks—is reserved for political/national traitors. The third is Ptolomaea
for Ptolemy, son of Abubus, who is known for inviting Simon Maccabaeus and his sons to dinner
and then murdering them. This round is for hosts who betray their guests; they are punished more
harshly because of the belief that having guests means entering into a voluntary relationship,
and betraying a relationship willingly entered is more despicable than betraying a relationship
born into.