
Friday, May 26, 2017

DLO animation

DLO animation
here is my DLO animation its about maths hope you like.


  1. Hey Summer, I really like your post I Saw that you spelt the word bell like "ball" so maybe you could change that. I really like how when the bell rang that the windows went black to show the lights going off. Maybe next time you could add a bit more people, Also I like how you have got the names in there to.

    1. Hey Kasey thanks for telling me about the spelling mistakes and next time i will add more people thanks for commenting.

  2. Hi, Summer. I really loved your maths animation. I liked how you put a lot of colors in it and you said at the end who was starring the animation. I have a question, was I supposed to learn something from the animation or was it just a entertainment?

    1. Hey faith no it was just a maths animation for fun i wanted easy answers but thanks for the feedback and commenting.

  3. Bonjour Summer.
    I love your animation it is really creative and easy to see.
    Maybe next time you should make the words a bit bigger so it's more clear to see.
    Au Revoir

    1. Hey Alyscia thanks for the feed back yup i will make the words a bit bigger next time i look at the animation and you cant really see the words thanks for commenting.

  4. Hey Lauren i know there's spelling mistakes and the questions where easy i just did easy ones i will keepin mind of the feed back you gave me thanks for commenting.

  5. Hey Summer
    I liked the animation you have presented you should make more because they are really cool.
    Next time you do a animation you should check your answer when the girl summer asks the question because I can see that the answer is incorrect


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