What does Sustainability mean?
Maintaining the world we live in.
What are some issues we face?
Climate change and global warming caused by rising Co2.
What can we do to be more sustainability in our lives?
- Reduce household energy use.
- Recycle.
- resell and donate items.
- Eat locally.
- Dispose with disposables.
- Save water.
- Drink from the tap.
- Turn off appliances and lights that you’re not using.
- Install energy-efficient appliances.
- Open windows to allow a breeze instead of turning on air conditioning.
- Hang clothes to dry instead of using the dryer.
Hi Summer, I like your blogpost on what you think sustainability means. I like how you just wrote down ideas on how to be more sustainable. Maybe next time you could explain a little more on the different ways to be more sustainable. Other than that keep up the great work!